Certain Women – Linda K. Burton

Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President taught of examples of great and noble women throughout history. She noted the phrase “certain women” numerous times in the scriptures and reminded that the term “certain” means “convinced”, “positive”, “confident”, “firm”, “definite”, “assured”, and “dependable”

She highlighted a number of groups of certain women through time:
Certain Women in the Savior’s day – Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, Martha and many others named and unnamed.
Certain Women at the time of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – and shared the experience of Drusilla Hendricks
Certain Women today – many women she met while visiting various parts of Asia. She also shared a touching account of Terry and Jenny, two certain women of today.

Sister Burton taught:
“May we remember the many certain women who refused to abandon our precious Savior during the excruciating experience He suffered on the cross and yet hours later were privileged to be among the certain witnesses of His glorious Resurrection. Let us be found staying close to Him in prayer and scripture study. Let us draw ourselves near to Him by preparing for and partaking of the sacred emblems of His atoning sacrifice weekly during the ordinance of the sacrament and as we keep covenants by serving others in their times of need. Perhaps then we might be part of the certain women, disciples of Jesus Christ, who will celebrate His glorious return when He comes again.”

For the full text: Certain Women – Linda K. Burton

Who are the “certain women” who have touched your life and emulated the attributes of a true disciple of the Savior? We would love to hear your thoughts below.

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